GCDS Students Win Theatre Awards

Two GCDS Upper School students received Seven Angels Theatre High School HALO Awards at the Palace Theater in Waterbury on May 28. 

After garnering 17 nominations, our students won several awards in highly competitive fields: Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Play—Zach Bostock as Oberon in A Midsummer Night’s Dream; Best Comic Female Performance in a Musical—Avery Sleeper as Paulette Bonafonte in Legally Blonde.  

Celebrating its 20th anniversary, the HALO Awards recognize excellence in high school theatre throughout the state of Connecticut. Nearly 90 CT high school programs competed in a variety of categories: acting, singing, directing, choreography, set design, and technical theater. 

Seniors Avery Sleeper, Stella Melucci, and Paige Setterberg performed "Ireland" from Legally Blonde in front of an audience of over 3,000 during the event.

Director of Theatre Arts for the GCDS Upper School Betsy Durning said, “I'm incredibly proud of all our US theatre students and the work they have produced this year; it was exciting to see both Zach and Avery celebrated with HALO Awards.”


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